Specialist lessons occur for all year levels in Music and Physical Education. LOTE (French) is taught in Years 4, 5 and 6 and Instrumental Music in Years 4-6. Instrumental Music students participate in a selection process to enter the program. Other activities in which students at the school are involved include a variety of sports, choir, academic competitions, camps, leadership forums and Arts Council performances.
LEAP (Learning Enhancement and Acceleration Policy) is a whole school approach to catering for the needs, interests and abilities of all learners and ensures equity of access to the curriculum for all. It focusses on high quality, explicit and differentiated teaching in all classrooms with the support of the Student Support Services Team (Deputy Principal, Team Leader – Curriculum and Intervention, Special Education teachers and Guidance Officer).
Targeted one-on-one support is also provided for students with learning difficulties or disabilities, as well as those who may struggle with literacy and numeracy. Gifted and Talented students are catered for in all classrooms via differentiated teaching and learning and our Higher Order Thinking Skills program. These students may also be involved in a range of extension activities within the classroom, in group withdrawal projects or outside school competitions/activities throughout the year.